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WordPress theme for Physiotherapy

unique WordPress theme for physical therapy on Themeforest


Vi tilbyr behandling i nye, moderne fasiliteter midt i Bodø Sentrum. Vi har en velutstyrt treningssal, samt egen sal for…


Alle våre behandlere er utdannet på universitetsnivå og har lang erfaring innen sine fagfelt.  

Meet our doctors

This is our medical physiotherapy team

Ronny Hanssen

Manuellterapeut Fysioterapeut

Stine Susanne Haakonsen Dahl

Nevrologisk fysioterapeut

Hege Veimoen

Psykomotorisk fysioterapeut

Øyvind Grubstad



Working Hours


Satisfied patient


Educated doctors


Therapy exersizes

Physiotherapy Services

Therapeutic exercise

bWelcome to Physiotherapy – WordPress theme for physical therapy. This is unique, niche specific WordPress theme for physiotherapy on Themeforest. Theme has two premium plugins: Visual Composer and Timetable Schedule and two premium jQuery galleries: Isotope filterable gallery and Flickity carousel integrated as custom post types. Theme has important features for physiotherapy (and medical) niche like: doctors timetable schedule, appointment, services, working schedule, testimonials.


4Welcome to Physiotherapy – WordPress theme for physical therapy. This is unique, niche specific WordPress theme for physiotherapy on Themeforest. Theme has two premium plugins: Visual Composer and Timetable Schedule and two premium jQuery galleries: Isotope filterable gallery and Flickity carousel integrated as custom post types. Theme has important features for physiotherapy (and medical) niche like: doctors timetable schedule, appointment, services, working schedule, testimonials, and all other standard theme features as galleries, sliders, blog pages, inner pages, contact, team etc.


Welcome to Physiotherapy – WordPress theme for physical therapy. This is unique, niche specific WordPress theme for physiotherapy on Themeforest. Theme has two premium plugins: Visual Composer and Timetable Schedule and two premium jQuery galleries: Isotope filterable gallery and Flickity carousel integrated as custom post types. Theme has important features for physiotherapy (and medical) niche like: doctors timetable schedule, appointment, services, working schedule, testimonials, and all other standard theme features as galleries, sliders, blog pages, inner pages, contact, team etc.

Physical manipulation

4Welcome to Physiotherapy – WordPress theme for physical therapy. This is unique, niche specific WordPress theme for physiotherapy on Themeforest. Theme has two premium plugins: Visual Composer and Timetable Schedule and two premium jQuery galleries: Isotope filterable gallery and Flickity carousel integrated as custom post types. Theme has important features for physiotherapy (and medical) niche like: doctors timetable schedule, appointment, services, working schedule, testimonials, and all other standard theme features as galleries, sliders, blog pages, inner pages, contact, team etc.


Welcome to Physiotherapy – WordPress theme for physical therapy. This is unique, niche specific WordPress theme for physiotherapy on Themeforest. Theme has two premium plugins: Visual Composer and Timetable Schedule and two premium jQuery galleries: Isotope filterable gallery and Flickity carousel integrated as custom post types. Theme has important features for physiotherapy (and medical) niche like: doctors timetable schedule, appointment, services, working schedule, testimonials, and all other standard theme features as galleries, sliders, blog pages, inner pages, contact, team etc.


Welcome to Physiotherapy – WordPress theme for physical therapy. This is unique, niche specific WordPress theme for physiotherapy on Themeforest. Theme has two premium plugins: Visual Composer and Timetable Schedule and two premium jQuery galleries: Isotope filterable gallery and Flickity carousel integrated as custom post types. Theme has important features for physiotherapy (and medical) niche like: doctors timetable schedule, appointment, services, working schedule, testimonials, and all other standard theme features as galleries, sliders, blog pages, inner pages, contact, team etc.

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Order an appointment here

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